Planning A Move On Your Own

Planning Your Interstate Move

If you are planning an interstate move, you have many different options. While most people would prefer to hire an interstate moving provider for their journey in addition to packing and shipping services, not everyone has the budget to do so.  In many cases, movers will need to use alternate means to relocate from once state to another.

Whether you are planning an office relocation or a long distance home move, you will want to be well prepared.  If you are going to rent a moving van, you may want to use a dash cam in it. Moving vehicles are much larger than other vehicles on the road, and they have lots of blind spots. If you are going to protect yourself with a dash cam (which can also come with rear cameras to make backing up much easier also), then it is also essential to know how you can get the best footage possible. If something happens with the van, it could be difficult to understand what has happened (or explain it) if you have blurry videos from your car recorder.


Here are 3 helpful tips to create quality dash cam footage:


1. Clean the windshield regularly.

Placing the camera in an excellent position will be ineffective if the windscreen is filthy. This can cause uneditable smudges in the footage. Another disadvantage of having dirty windshields (besides making it more difficult for you to see!) is it can make the dashcam videos blurry. It may happen if the camera lens system focused on the speck of dirt instead of the road, making a well-focused foreground and blurred background.


2. Get rid of clutter from your dashboard.

Make sure that there are no obstructions in front of the dash cam to get more distinct videos. Tell your helpers/family/employees to avoid placing stuffed toys or other items in the dashboard to shoot quality videos. Decluttering unnecessary things in your van can also help you to become more organized and clean.


3. Use a class 10 memory card.

Besides the dash cam itself, it is also crucial to invest in a quality memory card where the videos are stored. Recording daily trips can consume much of the storage space, so try to consider having a memory card with at least 16GB capacity. Dash cams come with a ‘loop’ feature so you can record over old videos that you no longer need.

Before you pick a memory card, make sure that you find the brand and the camera model. It is because the maximum amount of memory that you can place in the dash cam depends on these factors. You may set the video file size to something more manageable so that you can maximize the storage space (e.g. you wouldn’t want to set the video to a high definition 1080p if you only have a small 2gb memory card).


Why Not Use My Smartphone?

You may be asking yourself, do I really need a dash cam? Why can’t I just use my smartphone?

Although smartphones ARE very versatile, there are reasons to choose a dash cam for any state to state relocation.  However, there are some great apps that can be used with your smartphone to turn it into a dash cam.  Although these apps are excellent, there are a few problems with using the app.  This includes the requirement to attach and un-attach your smartphone to your windshield every time you enter and leave your car (because you’ll need your phone when you’re finished driving). For better video recording, consider buying a real dashboard camera which you can use for a long time in addition to during your move.

1. Road RecorderRoad Recorder is an app that you can use to take videos of your route in HD, including all the necessary information, from location to speed and date. It has sequential video recording and the ability to register your GPS position. You can use the app even for the last three files per session. With Road Recorder, you can export coordinates to KML or even in GPX files.

If you are considering this app, remember that this app is not compatible with CyanogenMod. To keep the app working, make sure to turn off your task killer.

A dash camera is an excellent investment to protect yourself during your residential relocation. It is a cost-effective device that can save you from accidents, fraud, and other unexpected events. You can use these dash cams not only in moving vans, but other automobiles as well. So if you decide not to book your move and decide to plan your move on your own, this would be an excellent choice.

Stay safe on the road and happy moving!

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